Sunday, August 28, 2011

three examples of action research in educational settings/benefits of conducting action research

Assignment part 2:
Give at least three examples of action research in educational settings.
Examples for action research in an educational are as follows:
1. Administrative teams
The administrative teams shares leadership responsibilities with the principal. For instance, policy development, managing programs, and decision making, etc. (Dana, 2009)

2. Professional Learning Communities (PLC)
A group of faculty members who gather on a regular basis to share more effective learning and teaching practices with certain protocol to assure dialogue of student learning and student work (Dana, 22).

3. Superintendent and District Meetings
In Pinella County, Florida, A portion of the monthly administration meeting is devoted to the principals’ action research and celebrations of it. Principals are asked to identify one area of study. They meet in groups of twelve regularly and is considered an action research in PLC (Dana, 22).

Describe the benefits of conducting action research.
Action research leads to reflection and reflection leads to the expertise level.
Another benefit is the collaboration between teachers, administration toward better learning and teaching.
Teachers reflect on their own practices to improve student learning. The teacher knows exactly what learning in happening in the classroom (Ringel,2007)

1 comment:

  1. Great information. What current postion do you hold in your field?
