What is administrative inquiry or action research?
Action research is a method of investigation in which the administrator asks certain questions, collects data, analyzes and examines, acts, and the revisits and does further action if required. This is done as school improvement (Harris, 5).
It is a 6 stepped process:
1. Identifying a focus/purpose
2. Collecting data
3. Analyzing/interpreting/examine data
4. Taking action/
5. Evaluating results on the action taken
6. Identify next steps/next direction
This makes the administrator develop a plan of action that will improve the school. The teacher would do an action plan that improves teaching and/or student learning and work.
This involves a doing, a getting involved personally for improvement of school or self as a leader.
How does action research differ from traditional educational research?
Action research has to do with an action taken as in directional steps from identifying certain questions, collests data, analyzes and examines, acts, and the revisits and does further action if required. Action research is results oriented. Meanwhile, traditional research is the basics of identitying a focus, collecting data and writing about it. Tradional research is more knowledge based with the action steps to fix a problem.
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